Re: stormtroop 16
Posted by Ken Fury on 2010-02-20 12:21:17pm

:Yah...those assholes have been around for a few years. They practice out at House Of Hits on 88th (ironic??). They also are involved with a white power label from here called Deathead Productions (original). There's also some female nazi band from here that they are involved with. I thought that they had fallen off, but I was at Morgan's (Oak Park of all places) and saw a business card for the label. I remember being terrorized by nazis in the late 80's and into the 90's....hope this bullshit doesn't start again. Just for info sake, they are NOT small guys either!!!
:so i was watching a democracy now! piece that talked about white nationalism and they featured a skinhead band called Stormtroop 16 from (of all places) Sacramento.
:I had no idea sacramento was dare i say, so diverse. has anyone heard of these bro's/douchebags?
:their album cover is somewhat frightening
:nazi punx fuqq off

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