Re: davis tonight
Posted by oof on 2009-12-16 1:27:06am

this flier hurts... word '97
and does the show actually represent a flier as mentioned above, or does the flier represent a show?


:If you like to listen to things then you might like this thing above that represents a flier that presents information regarding an event that will be happening tonight.
:The musicians performing have assured me that they are TOP NOTCH! And they promise to wOW you with their abilities to present sound in the form of audible tones that move in a regular fashion.
:Don't take my words as the only incentive to venture down into lower freeborn tonight! Listen for your own self that has ears and believes in some of the truth:
:And that is not only where the fun could possibly end there! I have been informed that two local ladies will bring with them their very own musical making devices in order to play for an audience some other sounds that can probably make you feel better than you did yesterday.
:You may have seen them in such ensembles as: Random Boners, Mama Buries, Dinostore, Subordinate Clause, and I think there might be more that you could maybe try and muster up the courage to ask them yourselves about!

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